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Mr. Fumblebody

Lars Viks soloforestilling om den ubehjelpelige ex-advokaten ble første gang presentert i 1990.


  • Sunday 14. September 2025
    Kongsberg Musikkteater,mer info kommer!Buy

Om forestillingen

Lars Vik’s solo performance about the helpless ex-lawyer was first presented in 1990.

Since then, Fritjof Fomlesen has gained a large and laughing audience. In addition to hundreds of performances in Norway, the anti-hero has performed in all the Nordic countries, Germany, Ukraine and the USA.

The performance’s setting is extremely simple:

his mobile office consists of a small desk, a worn office chair and a rubbish bin. Fritjof is prepared to help anyone who may be in need. At the beginning, it is true that it is mostly mum who leads the way with her endless exhortations, but eventually there is a little bit of everything to get involved in. And it surprises very few people that when it comes down to it, it is Fritjof himself who is most in need of help …

This sets the stage for a breakneck show where slapstick acrobatics and bucket ballet are important ingredients.

At the heart of the performance is an extremely close interaction between hall and stage. What Fritjof can’t manage on his own, he usually manages with the help of the youngest in the room. And they hurry. Through 35 years of perfection, Lars Vik has developed a formidable ability to take in children’s input as part of the performance.

Lars Vik constantly claims that the character Fritjof Fomlesen is strongly inspired by silent film masters such as Buster Keaton, Chaplin and Jacques Tati. The former puts it this way: A comedian does funny things, a good comedian makes things funny.

“… a joyous symphony of clowning, slapstick, juggling and acrobatics. I don’t know if I’ve experienced children in the theater giving themselves over to unrestrained laughter…” (Fædrelandsvennen, n)

“…a terrific away game in Aarhus…. it’s crazy fun. And there “is bound in it”, because it is with slapstick, where the ceiling leads to unique characters such as Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin, telling a universal and exhilarating story about loneliness.”

(Århus Stift Tidende, dk)