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Artikler av Geddy Aniksdal


Kublikum av Geddy Aniksdal

Etter pandemien er publikum sin oppslutning omkring kunst og kulturlivet redusert med ein fjerdedel. Krav til oppslutning og inntening, eigendekning er vanskeleg å innfri for […]

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Looking onto the boulder

Almost 2 years ago, I found myself sitting here, in the cabin in the woods, looking pensively out and onto the big boulder, out onto […]

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Notes for tomorrow

We were rehearsing Molière’s The Miser for a performance in the backyard of a popular old café during our annual Porsgrunn International Theatre Festival. My […]

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Everything has a sound

SOUND AND WORK I am in Los Abrigos, a tiny fishing village in the south of the island of Tenerife, a village which has managed […]

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Time to celebrate

Now, more than twenty years later, I wonder whether it was fate or coincidence that brought us to that table by the lake, that table […]

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My privilege

A year ago, when we in the editorial group started the work on this issue of The Open Page, I had a certain theatre colleague […]

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Deep down

I cried because I understood that I was saved, I also cried because I felt so different. I was suddenly not interested in being as […]

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Sweet Pain

My body is aching. My thighs hurt, my ribcage is tender. I am in bed and I should sleep. As I count the hours of […]

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“The stones that them builders refuse, will always be the head cor- ner stones. I’m a builder, baby. Don ́t you pick and refuse me. […]

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Small Boats with Coloured Lanterns 

Them stones that them builders refuse, shall always be the head corner stones. Bob Marley  I think corner stones are people, not places; instincts rather […]

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Feminist theatre solidarity action is important!

Interview with Geddy Aniksdal

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Sansen for staden

foredrag om Stedsansprosjektet under konferansen »Kan scenekunsten forandre en by» – Oslo 29.april 2016 på Det Norske Teateret.

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Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side, by Geddy Aniksdal

Even a gesture makes a difference, even a comma changes life to death. Death to life. A gesture becomes a book, a play. A life. […]

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Cross Country, by Geddy Aniksdal

Our theatre group is on tour with the Norwegian State Touring Theatre. It is the first time I take part in a performance with actors […]

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Garden of Epicurus, by Geddy Aniksdal

Talk given at The Articulate Practioner, University of Aberystwyth/The Magdalena Project – 22nd of July 2005 My name is Geddy Aniksdal , I come from […]

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To keep darkness at bay, by Geddy Aniksdal

One exercise can teach you to take in the whole of the room of where you are standing. Another to take in the whole reality […]

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My language, av Geddy Aniksdal

Some weeks ago I was listening to a radio programme about music and the Sami artist Mari Boine was being interviewed . She had been […]

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Eit Benkeforslag, av Geddy Aniksdal

Foredrag til Gjenklangkonferansen i Porsgrunn, 8 september 2009, av Geddy Aniksdal Pastor Reidar i Vår Frues Kirke tok imot meg ein tidleg morgon på kontoret […]

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Marthon Danielsen vitjar Porsgrunnskonferansen 11 september 2009

Av Geddy Aniksdal God dag, og hjarteleg god dag. Takk for at de ville ha meg inn i huset. Eg er Marthon Danielsen, ein karakter, […]

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